The “Hours Calculation Rule” is a set formula outlining different logics for processing timesheets. It is used to determine whether hours worked are allocated to straight time (ST), over time (OT), double time (DT), etc.


Adding Hours Calculation Rules 

To set up or add calculation rules, click on Labor > Hours Calculation Rules.

Click on “Add” to set up a new rule. Afterwards add a name/title the rule, and then click OK to save it. You can also duplicate, remove or rename calculation rules if necessary.

Once it is saved, select the rule from the dropdown and set the logic to calculate the hours worked. In this example:

On weekdays, the first 8 hours is calculated as straight time, the next 4 hours is calculated as over time, and everything above 12 hours is calculated as double time.

On Saturday, the first 8 hours is calculated as over time and everything above 8 hours is calculated as double time.

On Sunday, ALL hours worked is calculated as double time.

The two checkboxes gives you some extra wiggle room for your calculation logic.

If you opt to ignore hours that are manually entered in the software (red arrow), anything manually entered into “ST Hours”, “OT Hours”, or “DT Hours” is not included when adding up hours for the day/week and calculating ST/OT/DT.

If you opt to only count ST hours towards work week (blue arrow), any automatic or manually-entered OT/DT is not included in the running total for the week. For some companies, the holiday/weekend OT counts toward the week total, meaning someone might have a week with 32 ST and 16 OT if a holiday falls on a weekday. For other companies, OT is only paid out for holidays and for hours in excess of 40, therefore, the employee would get 40 ST and 8 OT, even if that OT happened on a Monday.

After setting up the logic to calculate hours, click “Save” to accept changes.

Assigning Hours Calculation Rules

Once a calculation rule is established it can be assigned at the company level or at the classification level. Assignments at the company level govern all employees assigned to the company, while assignments at the classification level govern ONLY the employees with that classification. As such, it is recommendable to assign auto calculation rules as the company level.

To assign a calculation rule to a company, click on General > Companies.

From there, click on the “Overview” tab and navigate to the “Behavior” section. In the “Auto ST/OT/DT Calculation” box, click the “Rule:” dropdown and select the desired rule to assign to the company.

Click on save to accept changes.

To assign a calculation rule to a classification, click on Labor > Classifications.

From there, click on the “Overview” tab, then select the desired rule from the “Rule:” dropdown in the “Auto ST/OT/DT Calculation” box.

Click on save to accept changes.

Importing Timesheets with Calculation Rules

Importing timesheets with calculation rules is very similar to importing timesheets with specified ST/OT/DT columns. In this case the “Hours” column is used instead for calculation purposes.

To import a labor timesheet, click on Tools > Import > Labor.

After adding or selecting the desired preset from the dropdown, verify that the “Hours” column is mapped, to allocate hours based on the predefined logics.

If no calculation rule is assigned to the company or classification(s), you will receive an error message in the validation summary of the import review.

If you hover over the notification icon (to the extreme left) on a record, you will also see the error message that “No hours calculator is set.”

In order to proceed, you will have to assign a calculation rule at the company or classification level, then try importing again. Once the calculation rule is assigned to the company or classification(s), you will see that all records are valid in the import review.

Among other things, you will also see the hours imported, and how they’re allocated. Afterwards, click “Review…” to proceed with and finalize the timesheet import.