Company categories and company email addresses are structures used to classify companies and email automated reports (i.e. punch reports, force reports, etc.) to company recipients from a defined list. It is beneficial to add the list of company categories before adding companies, so you can assign each company to a category when you add or import them into the software. Otherwise, you can skip adding company categories if you don't wish to utilize this grouping utility.
Company Categories
Company categories serve as a utility to group companies and makes it easier to report on several companies that fall in a given category. For example, if you’d like to run a report on all equipment rental vendors, instead of having to filter for each vendor in the report, you could assign them to a category called “Equipment Rental Vendor” then filter for that company category when running the report.
To add a company category click General > Company Categories.
Click the append button (+) on the navigation bar to add a new row, then enter the details for each category. You can also use the buttons to the right of the append button to modify or delete the selected record(s).
In addition to adding category names, if needed, you can add a number to determine their display order on reports or mark them inactive by unchecking the “Active” checkbox.
Click on save to accept changes.
Company Email Addresses
The company email addresses menu is used to generate emails to specified contractor representatives for automated fatigue reports and punch reports. These automated tasks must be scheduled before emails are sent to each representative.
To add a company email address, click General > Company Email Addresses.
Here you can add the category, email, name and company for each recipient. The “Category” column is used to limit which set of emails are included in a specific automated batch job and uses a "contains" operator when filtering categories. In this example Abraham Downswell will receive punch reports and fatigue reports since "punch" and "fatigue" are both listed in the category column. The others will only receive fatigue or punch reports.
After adding and saving the email addresses, each recipient will receive a copy of the automated email that is generated.