Shortcuts tend to make life easier. In some cases, they increase productivity by eliminating extra or unnecessary steps, thus making the task at hand more efficient. This article will explore keyboard shortcuts as well as shortcuts embedded in the software.
Keyboard Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts are key combinations you can press on your keyboard to perform a variety of tasks. They can be executed with one hand, both hands and in most cases are faster than using a mouse. You will find that some keyboard shortcuts are universal - meaning you can use them across several applications, while others are software-specific.
Text-based Shortcuts
When working with text editors you can use the following shortcuts to quickly modify text or navigate within a cell:
- Ctrl-A: Select all text in the cell.
- Ctrl-C: Copy the selected text.
- Ctrl-X: Cut the selected text.
- Ctrl-V: Paste the copied or cut text.
- Ctrl-Z: Undo the previous action.
- Ctrl-left arrow: Jump to the beginning of the previous word.
- Ctrl-right arrow: Jump to the beginning of the next word.
- Shift-left arrow: Select one character to the left.
- Shift-right arrow: Select one character to the right.
- Ctrl-Shift-left arrow: Select one word to the left.
- Ctrl-Shift-right arrow: Select one word to the right.
- Home: Jump to the beginning of the current line.
- End: Jump to the end of the current line.
- Ctrl-Home: Jump to the beginning of the cell.
- Ctrl-End: Jump to the end of the cell.
- Shift-Home: Select text from the current position to the beginning of the current line.
- Shift-End: Select text from the current position to the end of the current line.
- Ctrl-Shift-Home: Select text from the current position to the beginning of the cell.
- Ctrl-Shift-End: Select text from the current position to the end of the cell.
Record-based Shortcuts
Keyboard shortcuts can also be used to modify and navigate between records in the data grid. These shortcuts include:
- Esc: Cancel change in selected cell.
- Esc Esc (twice): Cancel posted change(s) for selected, unsaved record.
- F2: Edit the selected cell.
- F4: Open dropdown for the selected cell (where applicable).
- Alt-Down arrow: Open dropdown for the selected cell (where applicable).
- Ctrl-A: Select all records in the current screen.
- Ctrl-D: Duplicate the selected record(s).
- Ctrl-F: Show find panel.
- Ctrl-S: Save edited records.
- Ctrl-0 (zero): Clear data in selected cell.
- Ctrl-Delete: Clear data in selected cell.
- Ctrl-Plus sign: Add a new row.
- Ctrl-Minus sign: Delete the selected record(s).
- Ctrl-Spacebar: Highlight/Unhighlight the selected row.
- Tab: Skip to the next cell.
- Page Up: Jump up to the previous page.
- Page Down: Jump down to the next page.
- Home: Skip to the first field of the current row.
- End: Skip to the last field of the current row.
- Ctrl-Home: Skip to the first field of the first record.
- Ctrl-End: Skip to the last field of the last record.
- Ctrl-Tab: Skip to the next window.
- Ctrl-Shift-Tab: Skip to the previous window.
Date-based Shortcuts
View the Dynamic Dates article to explore date related shortcuts.
Embedded Shortcuts
The software has embedded shortcuts that are used to execute certain commands efficiently.
- Alt key: The Alt key serve as an accelerator key, which lets you quickly navigate within the software. After pressing Alt, click on the corresponding, underlined letter for menu item you'd like to use. For example, clicking Alt-G-C will open the "Companies" menu, at General > Companies. When performing these shortcuts, you do not need to hold down the Alt key.
- Lightening icon: Double-clicking the lightening icon will widen or narrow the column width for all columns to suit the longest entry for each column. This is the equivalent of right-clicking a column header and choosing "Best Fit (all columns)".
This example shows improper column adjustments:
This example shows columns adjusted to best fit display:
- Magnifying glass icon: The magnifying glass icon is essentially used to find the range of available data.
In "Reports" screens, when setting up a new prepared data, clicking on the magnifying glass icon in the "Dates" box will load all dates with records that matches the applied filters. This eliminates the need for best guesses.
When filtering for records in the Analysis menu, clicking on the magnifying glass icon will load the maximum results for the applied filter(s).
- Checkbox icon: A checkbox icon appears on any exclusive group of checkboxes where the user can right-click any checkbox to keep it ticked, while automatically unchecking the other checkboxes in that section. This can be executed in new prepared data, dashboard groups, column lists on the Budget Summary screen and Client Assignment Rule Control (and other client assignment rule screens).
- Eye icon: The eye icon is used to jump to the first matching record with the error or warning when validating an import. This is especially useful large imports as the user only needs to (continuously) click on the icon to locate records flagged for having errors or warnings.
Euro icon: When setting up a new prepared data in the multi-currency/international version of the software, clicking on the Euro icon in the "Options" box will automatically adjust the company currency (i.e USD) and the site currency (i.e. CAD) for the filtered company, and also display an extra currency column in the report.
Since this is a case-by-case event, a tooltip with additional details will be displayed when you hover over the icon.