The reports tab offers a variety of options to create and generate reports.

Though each set of reports differ depending on your desired output, the fundamentals remain consistent across the board. In this exercise we will explore how and where these reports can be saved and shared between users.

We will explore:

  • User Customization
  • Site Customization and
  • Network Customization

PLEASE NOTE that you DO NOT need to have both network customization and site customization in place. To avoid any unforeseeable interruptions, it is recommendable to use site customization instead.

User Customization Reports

The user customization reports are only accessible to the user – on the PC the reports are saved. They’re not accessible by others on the same network or database, or to yourself when you log in on a different PC. Be mindful when saving reports as user customization.

From the list of reports (using Reports > Accounting > Summary in this case) user customization reports are identifiable by the ‘person’ icon. Additionally, if you hover over a user customization report a tooltip will pop up stating “Source: User customizations.”

Your user customization report files are located at Documents > CosTracker3 > Customization > Report.

In this example you will find:

  • Summary Cost Reports (identified by EntryCostSummary),
  • Accounting Summary Reports (identified by EntrySummary), and
  • Project Cost Reports (identified by ProjectCost).

You will also observe that some reports were modified and saved using the ‘Wizard’ while others the ‘Report Designer’.

Site Customization Reports

To establish a location for sharing and saving site customization reports, click File > Sites.

From there, select the active site, click the “Reports” tab, and select the checkbox to “Allow storing custom report in the site database.”

Click on save to accept changes.

You will then observe that all “Save” options in the reports screens now have a dropdown that allows you to choose your defined location.

PLEASE NOTE that Site Customization Reports are stored in the database, alongside daily entries, work orders, etc. They can be exported and imported; however, there is no folder to go view them.

Network Customization Reports

Similar to the site customization, the network customization setting is located on the “Reports” tab. After selecting the active site, click the “Reports” tab and specify the network path for sharing and saving network customization reports in the option entitled “Store custom report at.”

Click on save to accept changes.

You will observe that all “Save” options in the reports screens now have a dropdown that allows you to choose your defined location.

Importing Customization Reports

Once reports are saved, they can be import individually and collectively, from one database or customization to another.

Before importing user customizations reports (into site/network customization) it is advisable to first sort them by name (Documents > CosTracker3 > Customization > Report), then place the desired report(s) you wish to import in a zipped folder. Once the folder is prepared, return to the report screen (i.e. Reports > Accounting > Summary), click on the “New Report” dropdown, select “Import Reports” then choose the desired Customization.

This will open a new window, to which you will navigate to the zipped folder created earlier. Select the folder and confirm import. You will then receive a confirmation message showing what reports are imported. Duplicated reports will be ensued by a number, showing how many times each report is duplicated.

The imported reports will then be added to the list of reports.

Exporting Customization Reports

To export customization reports, select the reports you wish to export then click on “Export.”

This will open a new window, to which you will navigate to a desired output location (desktop?) and create a zipped folder. Name the folder and confirm export. You will then receive a message confirming the completion of the export with the established output location.

These reports can be imported into a new/different database or customization in the future.