There are two ways to manually enter labor in CT3 and both approaches will take you to the same screen.
From the main screen:
(i) Click on the big “L” then select “Keypad entry” from the dropdown menu
(ii) Click on Daily Entries > Labor.
Once the Labor Daily Entry screen is loaded, you will then be prompted to enter the date and shift for the employee(s) you’re adding. You can either type the date using the DDMMYY format (i.e 021218 for February 12, 2018), or click the dropdown (circled) and select the desired date.
Afterwards, use the menu items in the lower left corner of the screen to apply the underlying details for the date specified above.
NOTE: You will observe some shortcuts to the lower right of the screen which will help you to navigate easier in this interface. Simply use the combinations to execute.
For example, Alt + N will take you to the “Note” field for the selected record.
ALSO NOTE: The Labor Entry screen (and screenshots) in this exercise have entries recorded by work order. If you’d like to record your entries by purchase order, or have additional columns on your daily entry screen do the following:
Navigate to Files > Sites.
Click on the Daily Entries tab
Select each checkbox for the column(s) you’d like to include and click the dropdown (circled) to choose between work order and purchase order.
Adding a Record
To add an employee, click “1 - Add” then “1 - Employee” and enter the employee number.
Proceed to enter the details in each field for the employee. As you progress, the totals will be calculated using the rates from the classification table.
You can also add a Charge, Travel Pay/Subsistence, or Note to each line of record entered.
To add a charge, click “1 - Add” then “2 - Charge” and enter the details. A charge can be added to an existing entry or a new entry, depending on the nature of the situation.
To add Travel Pay/Subsistence, click “1 - Add” then “3 – Travel Pay/Sub” or use the Alt + T or Alt + S combination. You can also click in either tab then enter the amount. Click space to ‘lock in’ that record, and then tab (may need to a few times).
Then, make your modifications and confirm change(s). You will also notice that the record being updated is highlighted.
To add a Note, click “1 - Add” then “4 – Note” or use the Alt + N combination. You can also click in the “Note” tab then enter the details. When multiple lines exist, select the one you wish to add the note then hit tab (may need to a few times). When prompted, type the note and confirm. Here, the record being updated is also highlighted.
Updating or Deleting a Record
In the event of an error or omission, you have the option to update or delete a record.
To update a record, click “2 – Update” then proceed to make your modification.
To delete an employee, click “3 – Delete” then “1 – Employee”. Enter the employee number and click OK.
You will then be asked to confirm deletion for the employee and his/her associated entries.
To delete a charge, click “3 – Delete” then “2 - Charge”. Tab to the charge(s) that you wish to delete then click space to ‘lock in’ each record. Upon making your selection(s), click “Esc” or Tab again to delete.
NOTE: There is no ‘confirm delete’ option when deleting charges.
Searching for a Record
To search for an employee, click “4 – Search” then enter the employee number and click OK.
Performing Miscellaneous Tasks
There are a number of miscellaneous tasks that can be performed when you click “5 – Misc”.
The “Review” options will be rolled out in the near future.
To upgrade an employee, verify that you have that employee on screen then click “5 – Misc” then “2 – Upgrade employee”. Simply tab to the record you wish to change, click space to ‘lock in’ that record and press “Esc.” You can upgrade multiple records for an employee if needed.
You will see a note for the record(s) with the updated classification.
To get a list of employees click “5 – Misc” then “3 – List”. By default, the list will only bring up those employees for the company you’re working on. If you need to expand the list holistically, uncheck “Only current company.” This option is very useful as you can double-click and add an employee, then append with the underlying the details.
To change the date of entry click “5 – Misc” then “4 – Change days” and enter the desired date and shift.